Coding and Technology a path out of poverty for a Girl.
I have really loved PI 515 because everyone is very welcoming and really delightful. Every time I go to class, I always learn something new. PI 515 has taught me how to multitask my projects from the program and school work. When I first started this program, I never realized that successful websites like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft used HTML to become well-known. I was never really interested in computer programming until I started PI 515. Now, I am thinking about coding as a future career.
This year in PI 515 we each built a website. It took some effort and time but it was all worth it. I learned HTML, CSS and some Java Script. Next year we plan on working on robotics and apps. This program has allowed me to go to the LWBJ 2016 Prometheus Awards and present my website at the Meredith Corporation in Des Moines.
I first met Nancy Mwirotsi, the founder of PI 515 at Zion Lutheran Church. One day she came to my apartment complex and informed me about PI 515 and asked me to be part of the program. I love how Nancy wants more diversity in the computer programming area and was really motivated to get us in PI 515 because she wants to see us be successful in the future. I’m glad I got this opportunity because I know most people don’t get this chance. Growing up with only my mom and three other siblings is pretty hard and where I come from we are not as privileged as other families are. So everyday I try to work hard and do my best so I can have a great future. By Lidia Oule.
Earlier last year, a woman approached me and wanted to get her young daughter (who was 14) married. She asked me where she could legally do this, I was shocked, but understood very well that in many cultures, young women’s destinies are pre-written for them, by society, religion and class. Most young women, have not been afforded the support to think, build, create, or innovate because it is not their place to lead. I knew immediately that PI 515 had to start a young women tech class where we would be able to inspire more girls to take part in the technology field and to remind them that they have every right to be there, alongside the young men.
With this particular class, we hoped to instill in young women the drive to pursue their education to the highest level and even then, keep expanding their knowledge into adulthood. Letting them know that the sky is no limit! We wanted the young women to see that after high school, college, and career there are always new innovations to create and discover and problems to solve.
Lidia, a young girl that I have had the privilege of working with through PI 515 came to the US as a child, from the war torn country of Eritrea. In Eritrea, a girl’s’ destiny has already been pre-written for her, FGM awaits, illiteracy awaits and even after making it to the US as a refugee her destiny is being pre-determined unless we provide an avenue out. I want Lidia to feel that she explored her abilities to the highest level. That she can have beautiful and valid dreams for her future. PI 515 has to stand up for her and PI 515 has to help her accomplish her goals.
Many people think that I have done so much for these young women and men. However, I feel like they have done more for me. In my journey, I have met wonderful families and some very smart kids whom I have fallen in love with. Their quest for a better life than they left behind and the passion in their eyes has led me to step up and be the change I want to see. I knew for sure that coding could provide an avenue to climb out of the crevices of poverty for these young men and women. From the heart-wrenching stories of these kids, I draw strength to keep fighting for them the best way I know how. They have taught me so much about life. They challenge me with their curiosity. From their courage, I draw my strength and my life growth would be incomplete without them. Nancy Mwirotsi