“The same rain that fell on the bitter leaf also fell on the sugarcane”. Bitter leaf is a very bitter green leaf vegetable when cooked and Sugar Cane we all know is the source of sugar. This Yoruba saying reminds me simply of this fact, the Same Situation in life does bring different results for different people.
Similar situations in life, help contribute to different results for different people. At times, we are not in control of those things! In this case, both bitter leaf and sugar cane can be similar to our lives situations. The same situations, in our lives, does not automatically equate us to the same strength to overcome them nor equal opportunity to overcome them. We often measure our strength and compare Us to others but often forget that the things inside us make us who we are.
The Yoruba also has another saying that gives hope to the above proverb, It says, “The bitter-leaf will end up sweet, ultimately. (Adùn ńbẹ lẹ́hìn ewúro. /). When washed multiple times after the first initial boil, the leaf reduces its bitterness and ultimately gets to a tolerable taste for most. The same thing with sugar, some of us use It is less and less while others want it sweeter.
A reminder that though we may face many things, we also have the opportunity to overcome them. May these two proverbs inspire you this Sunday. I hope it leads you to a great path! Remember:
- Ultimately in life, it is about what we have inside not outside. If we have bitterness then we shall remain bitter, if we have sweetness then too, we shall remain sweet. If we have anger and surround ourselves with bad energy then all we produce is anger but if we have anger and are surrounded ourselves with a positive thought, then we ultimately learn to be more hopeful thus passing out less anger.
- Each human being is clothed with different strengths, so use yours to your best ability to better you and others.
- We may not control what life brings us, but we have control over how we react to it.
- Don’t look for happiness outside yourself. It all starts with you.